Monday, February 25, 2008

What is it part 1 (or is it 3?)

I always loved those "guess what this is pictures" so here is one in 3D!

Do you know what it is? If so don't say anything, if not keep reading the blog as I will put some more pictures down below to help you figure it out. Oh yeah, I think 3d glasses are a must for this fun so if you don't have a pair on hand right now stop right now and go find a pair. If you don't have any close this page or post a message here so I can get your address and send you a pair or two.

Lunar Declipse

So I haven't posted in a while but after seeing the post Todd put on Snap! of the lunar eclipse I figured I should post the time lapse I took of the lunar declipse out here on the left coast.

And here is a close up cropped, zoomed and motion tracked version so you can see it a little better.

And the moon is back!

Trash Rabbit

It's a trash rabbit in the third dimension! I wonder what is in the bunny?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Sunset

Another beautiful sunset here in the Sunset district of San Francisco. Once again I found I needed to climb up on the roof and take a panoramic photo. When we first moved to the Sunset everyone kept telling us they didn't know why it was called the Sunset because we would never get to see the sunset due to the year round fog. Boy were they wrong. We get these all the time. Sure it's foggy pretty often around here but not even close to every day and the fog is really cool too. You can always tell there is a cool sunset from the living room or kitchen which look east across the Sunset District because all the houses start turning crazy reds and oranges and purples. And when the city is going off you know the beach has got to look 2x as cool. It usually sends us running for the back windows and occasionally puts me on the roof or us on the beach with a bottle of wine to warm our souls. It's nice living by the ocean here in SF.

P.S. Don't for get to click on the image to see it full size. It's worth it.

What is it part 2 (or is it 2?)

Hum, what ever could this be? I bet you know now right? If you don't keep reading you will find out soon enough.

Oh my.

I am almost at a loss for words. Can it really be?! We've seen this mini van a few times now in the parking lot of our local grocery store. "Home Services", I should hope so -;]

New Years Eve sunset in the Sunset

Wow, could you ask for a more beautiful New Years Eve sunset? What a way to close the year here in the Sunset district of San Francisco -:]

You should really click on the images to see them big.

I do love the view from our roof hear at the beach in SF!

What is it part 3 (or is it 1?)

ACK! It's my face with about 3 weeks of beard growth in 3D! Thanks for playing -:]